$ nc hackquest.ghostintheshellcode.com 7331 The 1337 Adventures of an Unknown Hacker What is your name? Case Welcome, Case, to your adventure. You are in your bedroom. The room is spinning and you are very tired. > look There is a can of Red Bull here. > get can You are in your bedroom. The room is spinning and you are very tired. You have a can of Red Bull. > use can You feel refreshed. You are in your bedroom. There is a computer on your desk. To the south is the door leading to the rest of the apartment. > look There is nothing here. > go south You are in the living area. Your recent mail is on the table. To the north is the door to your bedroom. To the south is the door to the outside. > look There is a letter addressed to Case here. > get letter You are in the living area. Your recent mail is on the table. To the north is the door to your bedroom. To the south is the door to the outside. You have a letter addressed to Case. > use letter I don't know how else to reach you. You haven't been online in a long time. I need your help. I heard that the guys up at ELF Technologies are going to unleash a nasty virus on the world any time now. It is designed to infect everything and destroy the hardware it's running on, and it's infiltrating social networks to find as many targets as it can. I don't know what crazy business model they have for getting money out of that, but it is what it is, and we need to stop it. Go to my website and enter the password 'elfpwnage' in the hidden form, and we'll continue the discussion there. -ihackatlife You are in the living area. Your recent mail is on the table. To the north is the door to your bedroom. To the south is the door to the outside. You have a password to your friend's website. > go south You are outside. Why are you outside? You have work to do! Keep out of direct sunlight! To the north is the door to your apartment. You have a password to your friend's website. > go north You are in the living area. Your recent mail is on the table. To the north is the door to your bedroom. To the south is the door to the outside. You have a password to your friend's website. > go north You are in your bedroom. There is a computer on your desk. To the south is the door leading to the rest of the apartment. You have a password to your friend's website. > look There is nothing here. > use password The password was accepted. You are on your computer logged in to your friend's secret forum. It has a single post and a download link: I found out that this binary is running on ELF Technologies' main server, called the Gibson (of course). It has to have a bug in it, it's a pretty big custom job. Can you help me find the bug? We might be able to get inside their network with this. -ihackatlife > look There is a binary executable here. > get binary You are on your computer logged in to your friend's secret forum. It has a single post and a download link: I found out that this binary is running on ELF Technologies' main server, called the Gibson (of course). It has to have a bug in it, it's a pretty big custom job. Can you help me find the bug? We might be able to get inside their network with this. -ihackatlife You have a binary executable. > use binary You open the binary in IDA and within the hour you spot an unauthenticated stack-based buffer overflow. Easy enough. You are on your computer logged in to your friend's secret forum. It has a single post and a download link: I found out that this binary is running on ELF Technologies' main server, called the Gibson (of course). It has to have a bug in it, it's a pretty big custom job. Can you help me find the bug? We might be able to get inside their network with this. -ihackatlife You have an 0-day. > use 0-day You need a target for that item. > use 0-day on Gibson You hacked the Gibson! You have a shell on the Gibson. You are root. It seems everything is here, including the source to the virus. Called 'Da Vinci'. In the directory called 'garbage file'. Someone in that company has been watching too many movies to understand how to secure a server. > look There is the source code to the virus here. > get source You have a shell on the Gibson. You are root. It seems everything is here, including the source to the virus. Called 'Da Vinci'. In the directory called 'garbage file'. Someone in that company has been watching too many movies to understand how to secure a server. You have the source code to the virus. > use source The source code has everything, including passwords, for controlling the virus. Now you and your friend have everything you need to stop them. Hack the planet? A real hacker would have won the game by pwning the game itself. [connection closed]